Presently PROMs are not tailored for athletes and high-performance sports practitioners: a systematic review

Artigo Publicado no “Journal of ISAKOS” na edição de setembro/ outubro 2019

Artigo: Proms in sports

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Importance The concept of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) has come to the forefront in the evaluation of the results of treatment for musculoskeletal ailments, reflecting the concerns of improving patient-centred care. However, athletes and physically active individuals have physical and psychological expectations and goals that differ from those of the general population.


  • Sérgio Rocha Piedade
  • Mark Robert Hutchinson
  • Nicola Maffulli


A revista Journal of ISAKOS (JISAKOS) sintetiza as últimas pesquisas e diretrizes baseadas em evidências em medicina esportiva ortopédica – incluindo distúrbios articulares – para fornecer a especialistas ocupados uma referência completa para diagnosticar e tratar pacientes. JISAKOS é o jornal oficial da ISAKOS – The International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine.

JOURNAL OF ISAKOS, volume 4 issue 5, setembre/october 2019, pg: 248-253