Influence of morbid obesity on physical capacity, knee-related symptoms and overall quality of life: A cross-sectional study

Artigo Publicado na revista ” The Knee” na edição de n° 63 em 2017

Artigo: Influence of morbid obesity on physical capacity, knee-related symptoms and overall quality of life: A cross-sectional study

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To evaluate the impact of morbid obesity on physical capacity, joint-related symptoms, and on the overall quality of life.
Method: Cross-sectional study carried out at a university hospital, enrolling 39 individuals admitted to a bariatric surgery service. Physical capacity was assessed by Six-Minute Walk Test (SMWT) and the Borg rating of perceived exertion (RPE). Knee-related symptoms were evaluated by Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) and the Lysholm Score. Quality of life was evaluated by Short Form 36 Health Questionnaire (SF-36).


On SMWT, the mean distance walked was 374.1±107.5 m. The mean
Borg score was 12.9±2.4. KOOS questionnaire found the following scores: pain (64.3±24), other symptoms (67.2±25.5), function in daily living (60.4±26.8), function in sport and recreation (28.5±32.2), knee-related quality of life (35.9±33.5), mean Lysholm scale score (55.3±25.4). SF-36 provided the following scores: physical functioning (41±27.4), physical role functioning (34.6±39.2), bodily pain (45.7±23.6), general health perceptions (63.1±26.2), vitality (53.5±12.1), social role functioning (52.6±29.3), emotional role functioning (41±44.9), mental health (55±27.7).


Obesity led to significant loss of physical capacity, gait impairment, knee-related symptoms, and a negative impact on the overall quality of life.


  • Lilian Sarli Tamura
  • Everton Cazzo
  • Elinton Adami Chaim
  • Sérgio Rocha Piedade


A revista Associação Médica Brasileira é uma publicação oficial da Associação Médica Brasileira (AMB), direcionada exclusivamente a classe médica brasileira do brasil e da américa latina.

Rev Assoc Med Bras 2017; 63(2):142-147